Category | Change | Version Number | Date of the Change | Description of what change | Changer | Approver | Reason 4 Change |
Changed | Date format to YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS AM/PM | all datatables: v01 | November 2, 2023 | Change date format of the datatables to YYYY-MM-DD. If including time addition: HH:MM:SS AM/PM | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | To use universal format of time |
Added | Filtering to the first (header) row | all datatables: v01 | November 2, 2023 | Added filtering to the header row | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | To be able to check and filter |
Removed | Removed column Fat | weightLogInfo v01 | November 2, 2023 | There were just two entries within this column, there is no way I can gather this info. So deteled | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | To get rid of missing values |
Removed | Removed Weight in Pounds coulmn | weightLogInfo v01 | November 2, 2023 | There were two weight columns in weightLogInfo. One in kg and one in pounds | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | I will work with kg. |
Changed | Columns with distance rounded to two decimals | all tables with distance coulmns | November 2, 2023 | In all tables were are columns with distance I have rounded it to two decimals | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | we do not need so high resolution in distance for this analysis. In this way will be easier to work with |
Changed | Weight rounded to two decimals | weightLogInfo v01 | November 2, 2023 | Weight column rounded to two decimals | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | we do not need so high resolution in weight for this analysis. In this way will be easier to work with |
Changed | Calories rounded to four decimals | All tables with calories v01 | November 2, 2023 | Calories rounded to four decimals | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | Probably two decimals would be sufficient, but wanted try four to to see how It will be to work with. We do not need so high resolution in calories |
Added | New tab with copied data: NameOfTable_transformed | All tables v01(except the hourly data tables, those were copied to source folder) | November 2, 2023 | Additional tab in spreadsheets | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | To to work with data efficiently while keeping the source data Except the data tables with hourly data which are to large in this case I have archived the original spreadsheet in source folder |
Changed | Renamed the orinal tab to: NameOfTable_source | All tables v01(except the hourly data tables, those were copied to source folder) | November 2, 2023 | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | To keep the source data intakt to be able to compare with the transformed data | |
Removed | Removed User: 4057192912 | From all tables 01v | November 3, 2023 | From this user we have only few entries (4 in Daily). So 33 users - 1 = 32 | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | |
Added | DayOfWeek - Column | Daily activities merge | November 3, 2023 | Added Day of the week so we can follow how active people are based on a day | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | |
November 3, 2023 | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | |||||
Added | Added atribute SumUpSleepActivities | CCS2_dailyActivityMerged_v02 | November 3, 2023 | To track if time in bed sums up with other activities for 24 Hours | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | |
Removed | Removed Entries with missing data | CCS2_dailyActivityMerged_v02 | November 3, 2023 | Removed all entries [75] that had missing data (all data were missing expet Sedetery time) | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | |
Removed | Removed outliers | CCS2_dailyActivityMerged_v02 | November 3, 2023 | Removed extreme entries [4]. With very low data (very low steps count with combinanation Sum up of all activities times and Sleep) | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | |
Changed | Calaculated the SumUpTimes | CCS2_dailyActivityMerged_v03 | November 3, 2023 | Times of many entries does no add up to 1440 when calculated. Some of them were over and some of them were under the times. =IFS(U8>1440, O8-(U8 -1440), U8<1440, O8+(1440-U8), U8=1440, O8) | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | |
Removed | Removed Additional Outliers (Steps & Calories - With 1440 sedetary minutes) | CCS2_dailyActivityMerged_v04 | November 3, 2023 | Removed outlieres [7], entries that had counted steps and calories with 1440 minutes of sedetary activity | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | |
November 3, 2023 | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | |||||
Removed | Removed Additional Outliers (Entries with extremly low number of Seps) | CCS2_dailyActivityMerged_v04 | November 3, 2023 | Removed outlieres [8], entries that had extremly low number of sterps (<100). | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek | |
Added | Column SedeteryWithSleep | CCS2_dailyActivityMerged_v04 | November 3, 2023 | Because we do not have all entries with In bed time and Sleeping time. Created addtional Column SedetaryWithSleep. To be able to compare all data | Lukáš Dušek | Lukáš Dušek |